Weather permitting, we worship outdoors year-round under the oaks. Please dress for your comfort.

Whenever the weather is cold or rainy, a text is sent to congregation members with updates on worship plans.

Please email to be added to texting list.

Our Severe Weather Policy

By 8 a.m., using available forecasts and data, if severe weather and/or lightning is likely in the area during the time of service (with a 30 minute buffer on either side), the initial decision to delay, abbreviate, or cancel service should be made and posted on the website and Facebook page.

On days where an alternate venue that provides sufficient shelter is not available, if the significant weather is expected to be:

​Moving out of the area by 9:15 a.m. - Delay of service is an option. Any delay should be enough that thunder has not been heard for at least 30 minutes.

Moving into the area by 10:30 a.m. - Abbreviated service is an option. Service should be ended (and cleaned up) before the significant weather arrives (including lightning close enough for thunder to be heard).

Otherwise, cancellation of service is the best option.

​Since weather conditions can change, this initial decision is subject to change due to conditions.

In any case where service is held and there is a possibility of severe weather and/or lightning, an individual should be assigned to monitor conditions and initiate a plan change change if indicated by conditions.