We are a church of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America
We are redeemed by God’s grace alone; we have done, and can do nothing, to deserve or merit God’s unimaginable love for us. We have it—just as we are—through the life-giving life and death-defeating death and resurrection of Jesus. We can only respond to this great love by love for God and for each other. One expression of this grace is that ALL are welcome, just as they are, in our worship community.
Our response to God’s grace is to follow Jesus. We try to live as he lived: serving others, welcoming the outcasts, praying, gathering with our faith community to give God thanks—to sing, study Scripture, learn, and serve together. We try to love as Jesus loved: to love our neighbors as God loves us. Our service to neighbors focuses on food, basic needs, and supporting local arts.
Christ calls us to be like children, and points to children as the way that we enter the Kingdom of God. At New Life, children are present, active, and intentionally included. They are respected, listened to, and valued.
We are thankful to be part of God’s creation—this wondrous ecosystem and cosmos. We experience the sacred in nature. We try to live in harmony with the natural world and care for the part of this Texas Hill Country with which we have been entrusted.